For 32 years, Business Enterprise Mapping has delivered real, sustainable improvement for a variety of clients using The Perigon Method. We work with clients of all sizes, industries, and types. Below are just a few examples, where we delivered significant client value demonstrating client proof that Perigon works!
Vertical Measures is a content marketing agency whose purpose and passion is to help clients drive profitable growth through content marketing, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising. VM chose a partnership with Business Enterprise Mapping because they were rapidly outgrowing their business processes and needed to build a strong foundation of workflow and performance management to expand their excellent reputation for delighting customers.
"Business Enterprise Mapping has provided Vertical Measures with insights, tools, training, and education to help us successfully transform how we manage our business."
Dana Kajtezovic
SVP Operations
Vertical Measures
Vertical Measures/Investis Digital
Bolivia may be one of the most impoverished countries in South America, but its vast stores of natural resources such as lithium and silver are increasingly attracting great interest in the global marketplace. Using the Perigon Method, BEM implemented a Business Management System with Minera San Cristóbal S.A., (MSC) a remote mine located in the Andes Mountains in southwestern Bolivia. The mine is the world’s third largest producer of silver and zinc.
Working alongside the indigenous Quechua-speaking locals, BEM streamlined business processes at MSC by 35%. Because Perigon is visual and intuitive, it was perfect for the communication challenges encountered on site. MSC was a financially troubled Company that has since become independently recognized as a top 10% most productive mine worldwide.
“This was truly a team effort by all employees and an important milestone towards MSC’s vision of becoming a world class Bolivian mining company.”
Mike Bunch
VP & General Manager
Minera San Cristóbal
Minera San Cristóbal
For Pima County, Arizona, Business Enterprise Mapping studied and consolidated multiple departmental permit approval processes (27 different processes) into a single best practice approval process that was subsequently implemented across seven departments through a new software solution. This project resulted in a approval time reduction from 90 days to 5 days. Customer satisfaction has increased by 40%.
“BEM’s Perigon Method is a brilliant and powerful integration of best practices.”
M. Seacat
Program Manager
Pima County, Arizona
Pima County, Arizona